A deep love for ideas and reading lies at the heart of a Brearley education. The Library upholds this tradition by encouraging students to explore the world of books, providing them with research tools and training, and serving as a lively hub for intellectual exploration. Reading expands your vocabulary, broadens your knowledge, helps you understand literary references, opens up new perspectives, and instills a lifelong passion for learning and ideas.
We take great pride in curating an extensive collection of over 24,000 titles, spanning a diverse range of formats and genres. Our unwavering commitment lies in fostering inclusivity and representation, for we firmly believe that every student should be able to find themselves within the pages of a book, identifying with characters and stories that reflect their own unique experiences.

Lower School Library
The Lower School Library is a friendly, comfortable place for storytelling time, classes with librarians and browsing for books to take home. In fact, there’s a weekly K-IV library period and even parents can check out books.
Go Further:

Middle and Upper School Library
The newly designed Middle and Upper School Library offers nearly floor-to-ceiling windows that allow natural light to pour in, window seats that overlook the East River and study tables with lamps that evoke a classic library reading room. It provides a dedicated space for students to pursue individual research and receive guidance in library skills.
Summer Reading
At Brearley, we use reading as a community-building tool with an annual summer read to inspire conversation and share ideas with one another.
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Brearley Libraries